Thursday, October 31, 2013

Buy a Brick - Be part of the KHCC legacy

Dear All
> As you are most probably aware Kings Heath Cricket Club is raising funds for the build of the new scorebox and storage facility.
> With your support the club can fund this project for the benefit of both the senior and junior sections to cement our standing as one of the premier cricket clubs in the Midlands.
> If you do contribute, your name will be permanently added to a "Wall of Fame" honours board (see graphic attached to be updated for each buyer and link below to club website) which will be positioned on the side of the scoreboard and will be a permanent fixture to thank those who have contributed to the build for years to come.
> You'll also receive a goodie bag including a KHCC mouse mat, drink coaster, key ring and car sticker!
> In order to contribute please complete the questionnaire linked below and make the necessary payment!
> We are also hoping to raise awareness of the "Buy A Brick" campaign through promotion at one of the Thursday Club nights, most probably towards the end of November so watch this space for further details.
> May we take this opportunity to thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you at the AGM on the 2nd of December
> Many thanks
> KHCC Cricket Committee