Junior Enquires

KHCC Juniors is a section of Kings Heath Cricket Club based at the club's sports ground in South Birmingham. The Club is affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and the Warwickshire Cricket Board. The section follows the guidelines set out by these governing bodies and has been awarded the ECB's ClubMark accreditation, and Focus Club status. We are a participating Chance to Shine club.
  Our aim is to promote cricket in the community and provide opportunities for local youngsters to play. Coaching sessions are designed to teach the skills that will enable players to participate in competitive games. Those who exhibit considerable potential are encouraged to attend trials for inclusion in the Warwickshire County and South Birmingham District development squads.
The section is run by volunteers and parents with a passion for the game and a desire to see cricket in Kings Heath, Warwickshire and England continue to develop and thrive. All our coaches and officials are fully qualified and approved to work with young people. The club operates within strict codes of conduct and child protection guidelines.

In the season we run group coaching sessions on: Monday (Under 14/15), Wednesday (Under 12/13) and Friday (Under 9/10/11 and girls). Winter coaching is available for selected members if indoor facilities are available. Teams are entered in the Warwickshire league at Under 10, U11, U13, U14, U15, U17 and U13 Girls. Players reaching the required level of performance and maturity will progress to adult cricket via senior teams playing on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesday evenings.

Membership is open to all local boys and girls from school year 4 upwards. The club has a policy on membership designed to be fair and equitable. However, places are limited by safety restrictions on the size of our coaching groups.

You can email Tom Pettitt (Junior Membership Administrator) on  tom.pettitt@btopenworld.com to express your interest.

Note - all junior enquires should include the following details:

Players Name, Date of birth, Address, School and school year, Home phone / contact number, Details of playing experience (school, club, district, county etc).